The Sokkeroos!
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Register for more information. Australia NT Association.

2014-05-25 22:34
There are now 3 ways available to update your Australian NT player(s)
2. Manually
3. SK Mail
With oSokker it is just a case of clicking on the players page and then clicking on the flag which you see there. This will take you to the db with all the required fields already filled in.
To download oSokker using Opera then Please Click Here
To download oSokker using Firefox then Please Click Here
Simply By Clicking Here and filling in the form.
SK Mails
You can also sk mail updates to myself at Clau_Goool account
Australian Player DB
2016-05-30 14:03
World Cup Campaign - Sokkeroos
2015-04-10 23:03
Australia NT with Clau_Goool
2014-05-25 22:34
2008-09-13 06:59